Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii



Lilium bulbiferum Linnaeus 1758

Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii # 1 DC in courtesy of Darm Crook

very enclosed area in South of France, near the Mediterranian Sea; this is a dwarf form that is found in the Alpes-Maritimes of France. This variant does have much more yellow in the throat and only petal tips are colored orange-red. One of the comments found on this possible subspecies was that it produced loads of bulbils at the axils of the leaves.

Kews regard the dichotomy of Lilium bulbiferum to subsp. croceum and subsp. bulbiferum as not valid and propose the nomenclature of f. croceum and f. bulbiferum. It´s not clear if forma chaixii can be kept as an own variation or just as an ocurrence of L. bulbiferum in a very restricted area in France. In any case it is supposed to be extremely rare, growing as a rather dwarf form compared to f. bulbiferum and f. croceum and produces axil-bulbils.

Laboratory comment:
We received seeds of Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii # 1 PL from an alpine botanical garden in late 2021, followed by axil-bulbils we got gratefull donated by Darm Crook.

sowing Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii # 1 PL (11.21) (Lbulbchaix1)
source: Pierre LaCroix, France
germination: (03.22)

Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii # 1 DC in courtesy of Darm Crook

axil-bulbis Lilium bulbiferum f. chaixii # 1 DC pending (Lbulbchaix2)
source: Darm Crook, USA

product-picture in courtesy of Darm Crook