Lilium occidentale



Lilium occidentale Purdy 1897

California, Oregon; upon fresh grassy areas, partly in full-sun

Laboratory comment:
Lilium occidentale takes some time to germinate and to mature to a seedling of considerable size resisting the distress of the tissue-culture.

Lilium occidentale “Daniel Paul Gaut” # 2 RHS ´02.17 we propably cloned in a too early seedlings´ state. It proves to fight hard towards dying off and is now – after several replates with some alterations of the medium-recipes – slowly recovering and getting up.

sowing Lilium occidentale “Daniel Paul Gaut” # 2 RHS ´02.17 (Locc2)
50% germination, seedlings –> tissue-culture (02.2018)

sowing Lilium occidentale # 1 CH ´11.16 (Locc1)
less than 25% germination, seedlings –> tissue-culture

sowing Lilium occidentale # 3 RHS ´03.18 (Locc3)
less than 25% germination, seedlings (07.20)

sowing Lilium occidentale # 4 Toon ´02.21 (Locc4)
source Martin Toon, New Zealand
sowing (03.21)

product-image in courtesy of Alan Mitchell